Monday, July 18, 2005

Tax Foundation Case

No. 04-1704
Supreme Court of the United States

On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit

The Tax Foundation filed this BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE in a mistaken interpretation of the dormant Commerce Clause of the Constitution. This again is one of those times where Precedent serves only to confuse, using previous decisions to forestall discrimination against Out-of-State taxpayers as attack on In-State taxpayers, the Later attempting only to stop a positional discrimination against themselves and their property. Said Tax incentive in question would have unquestionably penalized them by maintaining the exact Tax burden upon themselves, while allowing new entrants to avoid taxation in total.

The dormant Commerce Clause does not grant apriori right to Tax competition, if such entails adverse, differing Tax applications against segments of the total polity taxed. The intent of the Commerce Clause defines simply that no government entity will by its action artificially diminish the role of interstate commerce. The existence of Tax incentives to lure business into a State discriminates against established Business to compete within and without the State. The Cuno decision should stand without writ of certiorari, as not to falsely restrict lower Court powers of determination. lgl

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