Friday, May 27, 2005

The Volunteer Army

May 26, 2005
America's Recruiting Dilemma
By Robert Novak

Robert Novak stands as a Conservative (still Supply-Sider) who thinks Michael Milken should not have had to do Time. Why Read him? The Answer is simple: because he still writes Articles like the One here cited. He continues to come up with cutting edge stories, and has since the Korean War and his participation within it, which he mentioned in this article.

This Author lacks hard numbers (the Pentagon remains very quiet about this), but there has been one estimate that the Army falls 8.5% short of required junior Officers per year. Enlisted personnel has been supposedly found to fill the necessary quota, but Some like this Author, believes they are coming up about 20% short of Requirements. A more disastrous figure often unheard is the Shortfall in the NCO cadre. Iraq and Afghanistan chews up military personnel of all types, especially the small unit Commanders. All lack qualified Replacements.

The Army Reserve and National Guard units face Recruitment worries even greater than the regular Main force. Why? The Answer states Presidential and Pentagon polices have made such Service extremely unattractive. Such Personnel face being sent into War zones and danger with less-intensive training as often as Regular units, and like the Regular troops, are subject to more than one Tour. These are generally older Personnel with extensive family commitments, which Republican and Pentagon policy refuses to recognize properly (with extended Pay packages, special Family assistance, and adequate medical care if wounded). Potential recruits go mainforce Regular Army, because it is safer, better Overall Pay and medical care, and with better Return integration into American society.

Iraq and Afghanistan cannot continue to be fought on the basis which President and Pentagon desires, where the individual Soldier must face, and solve, all personal financial difficulties in isolation, without even Command sympathy. This Author agrees with Charles Rangel, and likely Robert Novak himself, that We need an Exit strategy from the current Administration's military adventures. lgl

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