Friday, October 27, 2006

Conservative Thought

Here We have an example of Conservative Thought. Charging higher Incomes a larger premium for Medicare coverage would supposedly unravel the system. They act like higher Incomes wait immediately upon such higher premiums in order to transfer for the costly and risky venture of Private Health Care, where they can be unsure of the Coverage and pay more. One questions an assessment which finds health care universality mandatory, yet probably insists on poorer Incomes not receiving as great a benefit in monthly allotment because they did not pay as much into the system. Do We have ‘Wolves in Sheep’s clothing here?’

Bad News with a heavy economic contraction in growth in the 3rd Quarter to 1.6%. This fits in with overall news, but Consumer Confidence seems to be high. It might be the prospect of change in Policy accompanying a change in leadership by way of the Election, real belief in the future, or the whiskey talking. Whatever: I would suggest George W. Bush stop campaigning on the strength of the economy.

The Above was the real News headline of the day. Inventories are high, but Orders are down. Most of the loss came in lower Fuel Costs, but real Downer comes in the form of reduced Business Investment. The Housing Price reductions were also a motivation, but previous Posts will detail why I am not sanguine about a return of Housing and Construction overall. The Christmas Season means everything at this point, because bad Retail Sales in the final Quarter can lead to the spector of loss of Jobs. lgl

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