Thursday, November 11, 2004

Armistice Day

Some Posts online today write on Veteren's Day in America, where elsewhere it is still Armistice Day. There has been serious consideration that World War I was the start of all of Our troubles today, what with the Belfour Declaration and the Syckes-Picot Agreement. It remains particially true, like all things of such nature; the real humor is the denial and celebration of War in the same breath.

The real causation of WWI, and what came before and after, can be summed in a single statement: The creation of mass armies under Napoleon. Only with mass armies can the slaughter of the wars been realized. Napoleon was the first to bring common citizens into uniform. He was the true innovator of modern butchery.

Many who have read my material would laugh at my believed inconsistency (I am a advocate of the Draft). It is not inconsistent to me. The greatest singular element of survival in combat stands as mistrust of your own leadership. Any Soldier who needs to fight for a great Cause, will in the course of time die. No Objective--other than staying alive and unharmed for yourself and your Unit comrades--holds any value, except to avoid the wrath of Superiors. The Draft actually produces better field soldiers, as they originally carry a paranoia concerning the fate society has dealt them. lgl

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