Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Threat of China

HedgeFundGuy tends to be a little too hostile Conservative for my taste, but I fear he is far too accurate with this Post. Hugo Chavez has always been somewhat of a political problem, and shows every indication of becoming a major economic problem. The Bush administration’s crude attempt to oust Chavez early on, and later support for the Strike of the Oil Workers against him, produced a hatred of the Bush administration in Chavez and an aura of invincibility in him. The worst aspect presents itself: a 10-year reign by Chavez will tie Venezuela to China; the later rapidly building infrastructure which will technologically bind nations to the Chinese economy. Both the Chavez and Bush administrations are too stupid to realize they are being played by adverse World influences, and their economic options are being constrained.

Arnold Kling trails the true root of the problem described above concerning China. The natural order of the Chinese state since its origins some 4000 years ago has been a limited-access order of specified Elites controlling the State and its economy; i.e., a decentralized, autonomous Civil Service drawn from an educated aristocracy led by totalitarian leadership in the form of an Emperor (who served more as supreme Judge rather than Head of State). All indications coming from China exhibit the tendency of reestablishing this mode of Government, freed of the democratic and social trappings of the Twentieth Century. Historic Chinese foreign policy always asserted a egocentric orientation of self-service, ignoring the plight of peoples forced to deal with the indifferent Chinese policies.

I find that Cactus at Angry Bear also wrote on China today, suggesting that many of the worries Americans possess are overblown, but also linking to this article describing the New China. What is American xenophobia, and what is Chinese xenophobia? The article by Will Hutton describes how little China has changed from the traditional structure. The Chinese State still invades successful industry (remember China is the progenitor of ‘Salt Taxes’: read my book FORMS OF TAXATION at iUniverse) demanding partnership, still conceals accountability of taxation, still impounds Savings of Workers; all under the guise of central authority (Emperor) through venue of an educated aristocrat bureaucracy. China is again posed to assume a leadership in the World, but still under the same regime which before demanded Servant State conditions from its neighbors. lgl

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