Sunday, November 16, 2008

That Vision Thingie

Every time you glance at a Newspaper, there are an additional half-dozen Advocates of some economic plan or other; all purported to Save the World. I read these things, and ask myself How people can complain about financial institutions using leverage of 30 to 1. We are already in Recovery efforts equal to a Year’s federal Tax revenues (which happens to be the World’s largest pool of financial capital), and Everyone states We need to spend more; talk about leverage. What is sickening lays in they are Plans only designed to restore the Mess we had prior to the Downturn. Nowhere is there the slightest hint or suggestion that the Recovery will ever pay for itself, probably the epitome of a bad Mortgage! We need to discuss the systemic improvement of the economy, not how to increase the efficiency of our Credit consumption.

Mike Shedlock comes in with another good Post that Everyone should read, especially at the bottom for a list of G-20 accomplishments and failures. These Group things are like Group sex; they tell each other that it feels Good, though everyone feels degraded and like Crap. Somewhere down the Road, people will call this whole corruption the Leadership Depression. Everyone claims that Stimulus is the Answer, but examination proves that it only a never-stated inflationary policy. The foundation of these policies effectively calls for greater Government debt for some Two years out of every decade, just to avoid any constriction of Consumption and Income during the bad years. It sounds good as Everyone is allowed to be an American Consumer, but where do Countries go to file Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?

The only major statement to come out of the G-20 meeting is that all Countries are pledged to not cap executive pay. What is this? An agreement to allow executive salaries to float upward at unimpaired rate, even though their errant decisions are more of the Cause of the latest Recession than anything else; what happened to the 99.5% of the Labor Pool of the World not covered? It seems they are to still endure Wage and Income suppression while maintaining even higher Consumption, all for the good of the Economy. Could this be an unlisted Demand for higher Consumer Debt, even though Consumers cannot pay for the Service of their Consumption debt now? I think We need a Sea Change in economic thinking, because such Planning has brought Us the current Recession in the first place. lgl

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