Sunday, February 20, 2005


A trend exists in American society, apparent since the Era of the Vietnam War. It may be called the usurpation of Social, Ethical, and Political issues by Special Interests for their own personal gain; the Author simply prefers to call it Corruption. Democrats decide every Issue calls for more Government spending; Republicans decree need for another Tax Break or Credit. What is Corruption in its most refined form? The Author contends it remains the manipulation of grave issues to derive personal gain.

The NYTimes today ran an Article specifying the Inspector General of Homeland Security found the new Agency spending Grant funds for Port Security development being used basically as Political Payoffs to current Administration Supporters; 9/11 has simply become another way to make Money for Business interests. Grants were being given though they were deemed redundant, ineffective, or actual developmental for new Resort areas. Actual Security at main Cargo Ports have not been significantly improved. Some $2.5 billion has been expended with little greater Safety.

One would think this to be a major condemnation of the Bush administration, but it is not! This style of Corruption has been steadily growing since Vietnam--through both Democratic and Republican administrations. Congress and the Political Parties are most at fault, but it traces back through State Legislatures and Local Governments. The practice derives from two basic factors: the First comes from political Candidates being allowed to raise any amount of political campaign contributions; the Second comes from political Lobbyists being allowed to fundamentally multiply the Incomes of Politicians. How can it be stopped?

A Political Campaign Law must be enacted to improve the deplorable situation. It must contain numerous, very specific stipulations:

1) No Political Officeholder may draw any Profits, Wages, Salaries, Royalties, or Fees other than his Office salary, plus any of the Above acquirable prior to his assumption of Office.
2) Every Officeholder must pay for all his living expenses himself, with the sole exception of an Spousal mate. He specifically cannot accept Present, Housing accommodations, Free Food or Lunches, Vacations, or paid Speaking engagements.
3) No Officeholder may accept any exterior Employment during his term of Service, or arrange any Employment until after another Candidate has been elected to his Office.
4) Every Officeholder must not only disclose his own prior Work record, but the prior or current Work record of any Family member or Friend, if and when their Employer may benefit from any action of Office by the Officeholder. This Disclosure must be Public, released to the News media in the jurisdiction of the Office, and entered into the Congressional Record if it be a Federal elected Office.
5) Any found Violation of any of the Above stipulations will receive as Punishment a mandatory imprisonment for 18 months--without benefit of Probation, Parole, or Community Service. The preceding Judge will be forbidden to alter Sentence, limited solely to determination of Guilt or Innocence.
6) No Political Candidate shall spend more than $30 Federal/$20 State/$20 Local per registered Voter within his elective District. Political Candidates must pay for all advertisement which bears his name as Political Candidate.
7) All political Advertisements, in whatever form, cannot mention any Political Candidate by name, unless issued and paid for by the Political Candidate.

The American People will only attain the level of Good Government they insist upon. Law Enforcement officialdom will enforce any Law passed upon Public insistence. It requires on Public demand for better performance and behavior from Those they elect to office. lgl

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