Friday, September 15, 2006

Benedict, and the Drop

''The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,'' the pope said. ''He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'''

The Pope went overboard with this Quote? Study of history relates Islam started innumerable wars of conquest against their neighbors until they covered N. Africa, Spain, the Balkans, and east into India. The Crusades were as much a reaction to the previous and enduring Muslim conquests, as it was an attempt to free the Holy Shrines in Palestine. Every Christian forced into Islamic society suffered some degree of discrimination and suppression during these Conquests, and the military reConquest of Spain was also called a Crusade.

It is admitted even by Muslims that Islam co-opted much of both Judeaism and Christianity. We must now contemplate whether a military attack upon a neighbor because of conflict between native and foreign religious beliefs should be considered as evil and inhuman by any religion. I must ask further if Terrorist bombs and assasinations are humane or good? The Pope, himself, lacks much in the way of divinity, the question of whether he previously belonged to Nazi institutions is still hanging. His Remarks, though, cannot be considered inflamatory in the light of previous history between Christianity and Islam.
U.S. Output in factories, Utilities, and Mines dropped by 0.1% in August. I would suggest Reuters check with the Weather Service, August is not a cooler month. I would continue to comment that the drop alone could come from reduced Energy prices. The lack of Gain, though, probably comes from reducing Business confidence, fed by increasing Inventories--which I have not checked by the way. The Consumers seem to be drifting. Is this a Problem? Far too early to tell, the real Telling Point will be early Christmas Sales. lgl

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