Saturday, September 30, 2006

Poor Greg

It must be Pick-on-Greg Mankiw Day. PGL at Angry Bear tears into Greg about his Thoughts about the nature of SS payroll payments. All he did was present a Graph used in a presentation before Congressional Committee. PGL should be more worried that such drivel is presented to Our lawmakers as fact. An aside, while the commentary by Karl Smith at Greg's Post was interesting, I think the immediate following commentary by Anonymous was far more detailing; identifying the real Public debt in this Country.

Now it is my turn to carp at Greg, for his use of an article by David R. Francis. Notice again that this is a NBER article. My antagonism with the Francis posit lay in the simple use of numbers, an affliction particular to Economists. Both areas, Maine and New Brunswick, stand as substandard Income sections of each Country. Both, in the same geographical area, are noted for highly Seasonal Work settings; Employment more heavily reliant on Small Business creation than elsewhere; and Small Business which can endure major draft of labor elements to higher-Paying Jobs elsewhere seasonally. Economists have difficulty with the Concept that Employment opprotunities vary by region, not Numbers.

Some may notice I am having some amusement here, but I am not Friday Night Beer Blogging. It is a Saturday Fall morning, beautiful to be out, and I am thinking I should draw this to a close. I will simply tell Greg: Sorry! The Devil made me do it. lgl

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