Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Man--One Vote?

The NYTimes provides a sort of micro-analysis of the political practices which have led up to the Election today. The basic Test of this Election, though, concerns Party loyalty. A lot of ordinary Republican voters feel real resentment against the current Republican leadership. The Tax Cuts given by Bush were to small to be effective, and taken away by Republican State and Local administrations through increased taxation. The only Republicans who chortle about the great economy are the Super Rich One-Percenters, who are intensively involved in bringing foreign Goods to America, and charging foreigners high Prices for American Goods.

Democrats watch their Candidates kowtow to Special Interests, and concentrate on Issues which are irrelevant to their mainstream lives. The John Kerry remarks are a Case in point of the lack of Democratic leadership charisma. Bush and Rove were allowed to turn the remarks into a political blunder, without Democratic leadership coming out with a sharp counterattack. The refusal of the Democratic leadership to formulate a sound alternate Policy to Bush’s failed leadership over Iraq turns into the debacle of Bush being able to cry "Shame, Shame" at Kerry without noteworthy response. All Voters, even Republican grassroots, recognize Republican claims of excellent economic policy constitute horse hockey; yet, does Democratic leadership even attempt to proclaim a viable alternate economic policy?

One aspect of the Campaigning of both Parties which destroys the rigor of Campaign Ads comes in the form of national Press attention. Voters all over the Country witness a standardization of nonentity political bombast extending everywhere in the nation. None of the Campaign Ads address any of the real concerns of the Voters, or is there any attempt to do so. There is no Voice in the Wilderness to stem their Doubts with a degree of Hope. Political Candidates are united in being prepackaged, picked Entities who propose nothing to improve any situation, except for overused Proposals around for Years, if not Decades, never implemented before because of basic political or economic flaw. This is what Voters face as they approach their local Voting stations. lgl

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