Friday, May 25, 2007

Real Pay Packages

This NYTimes article ranks high on a list of Proponent propaganda. High Compensation for Chief Executives cannot be the factotum of the Top man, or can it be his irreplaceable character. There are Ten Thousand Executives capable of the same physical processes enjoyed by any of the top Executives, with a likely 300 of Same for every CEO, capable of acquiring all the necessary additional diplomatic skills associated with being a Chief Executive. High Pay for CEOs comes not from any rarity of talent, or even performance. The basic criteria must reside within the context of personal associations; and the more likely ability to affect the Pay Packages of Those dedicated to setting CEO Pay levels.

This latest article highlights that We may be about to enter a new era in Insurance Underwriting. The Long Term Care insurance boondoggle joins the extreme Cherry-Picking of Health Insurance, and exorbitant Property insurance premiums in the long list of Insurance Companies’ semi-fraudulent practice. The dilemma is simple: There are far too many People resident in Harm’s Way, by geography, Age, or concentration, with the Corrective Costs far too High for any Injury. I am awaiting Life Insurance policies which preclude Payment, if the Cause of Death was Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack, Accident, or Old Age. The Reader can see the difficulty. Insured like to feel protected from misfortune, but Insurance companies simply want assurance of a 14% Profit on total aggregate Premiums. Government action is not likely to help either.

I would specifically like to witness an enjoined (legal sanctioned) method of selling Insurance; the list could be expanded to include Stocks, Bonds, even Pay Packages for CEOs, etc. It is like unto the guaranteed Resale value offered by expensive Models of Cars. The law would state that all forms of Purchase by timed payments would have established Equity appreciating by number of Time payment periods, and Subscribers are guaranteed at least this rate of Return, if the terms of the Contract are exercised. Now Someone will ask how you set Pay Packages for CEOs by this method: simply Contract CEOs to provide a set numerical amount of Profits for the Company for every set-amount of Salary and Bonus over base Entry level pay for Executives. Many would exclaim that Executives would not work for Pay Packages where they would be working for base Entry-level Salaries over half the Time; I could only reply "Why? Stockholders have to work under such a Payment structure." lgl

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