Thursday, September 27, 2007

Environmental Solutions

This article by Ronald Bailey may be a Must-Read for both Environmentalists and Economists. I personally side with Richard Lindzen in his belief that the Earth is self-regulating, though I also believe that humanity may be overburdening the ecosystem involved. Reality states that Carbon sequestration policies hold the only value for reversing current climate ailments, along with measures to reduce Carbon burning (new Energy systems will never come online at sufficiently rapid a rate to serve any purpose). Carbon sequestration also promises the sole means to reduce soot. I again reiterate my Plan to line Road ditches with Bushes, which when properly cultivated, will present sound Road barriers and Cuttings for a fuel source consisting of surface Carbon, along with massive sequestration of Carbon.

A scientific fact I wish was verified is the Depth scale of Oceanic Temperatures; Ocean and Wind currents could possibly be altered by simply having platforms pump water from the depths, this creating a draw-off of Heat from the Arctic regions. These Pumping systems could easily be Wind-powered. Some have informed me that We could attain a 6-8 Degree differential. The Cost would be unknown, but I would guess that viable Rigs could be built at about $2 million per Unit, and any effective effort would require less than 8000 Units. This Plan is nothing but a uniform spread of Temperature throughout the Oceans, without a current Viability Study on potential Environmental damage to the Oceans.

Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere display a totally different set of circumstances for Solution. It is clear that some form of catalytic coagulant must be introduced into the upper atmosphere, to bring these Gases back to the surface in some form of debris rain. The amount of coagulant added must be reasonably small as to facilitate transmission to the upper atmosphere, while highly reactive so that huge amounts of Greenhouse Gasses are coagulated and fall. Many people would say such a system would be prohibitively expensive, but Coagulant could be mixed with heated air in Hot Air balloons, the later sent to the upper atmosphere, and then a Timed Pressure release of the Gas in the balloon, both to bring the balloon back to Earth and to release the Coagulant. The heated air of the balloon may even aid the mixture in its concentration function. I have always advocated sound, cheap solutions to Our Problems, because of their ability to be easily and quickly funded. lgl

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