Friday, September 28, 2007

Signs of Corporate Management

China may be the first nation, as it has been foremost in rapid economic growth, to run out of fresh water. Chinese Studies have determined almost Three-Quarters of the aquifers of the North China Plain are contaminated to some degree, and the Water Table is dropping by more than a meter per year. The article cites that China has about 7% of the World’s water resources and 20% of the Population, with Four-Fifths of the Water in the South. Diversion of water North in China does not alter the actual ecological balance of overdraft of water due to necessary farming and overpopulation. The real Solution of Population reduction will not work, Some get real grouchy about this Right to Life issue. I could suggest massively numerous underground waste water aquifers, where water is force-fed through Sand and Gravel beds until the remaining materials of Waste can be composted; it would require concrete sidewalls slanted to a small opening, water forced-fed by heavy Pumping, and covered by concrete roof covered with sufficient Topsoil to be arable for Cropping–8-12 feet.

What is wrong with this discussion? John Carney would cancel Shareholder rights, simply because special Shareholder interests might seek their own personal agenda of Funds distribution, in conflict with Management desires. Carney seems unable to recognize that there can be definite differences between Management and general Shareholders’ desires, and an adequate Profits distribution Schedule is high on the list of all Shareholders’ desires. These Stockholders have an overriding want of beneficial Return on Investment, plus an aggregation of Stock value; they particularly unconcerned about Corporate growth per sec, not enjoying much personal Gain from that Growth. Management, on the other hand, adores Corporate growth because of the gain of their own Management power, and because they can award themselves most of the value of that growth through Salaries, Bonuses, Benefits, and Stock Options and Grants. Justification of a monopoly is never Right, even when it is unconstrained Management practice.

I heartily dislike this type of article, basically because it ignores the economic reality of the situation. Importation of Slaves is very expensive, and functionally impractical with the goal of supplanting Minimum Wage labor. I am not saying that Slavery is not existent, but it is most concentrated in specialized forms of expensive labor–like Prostitution. Most Slavers in the unskilled Trades probably are good-hearted Individuals easily susceptible to a hard-luck story, who allow unsafe Housing standards, and probably even aid in transference of Money home to their Workers’ families. The hard-core Slavers need to be separated from the Sheep, and pursued for their violation of Human Rights. Coating all Immigration Violators with a Paint of Evil does not help, and confuses the search for the actual Slavers. lgl

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