A Trade War will arise over the issue of Bt corn. Normative reaction to genetic modification would be study of the effects of the new creation in a Test area. The Seed companies insist that sufficient observation has been conducted in the United States, where about 40% of the Corn planted uses the genetic modification, with some areas having planted the Corn for over a decade. At the center of the argument are Seed company Patents, but not mentioned in the article, which are likely the most-engendered species at this Point; the EU unlikely to endorse the new Seed until such Time as the Patents are extinct. One could empathize with the Seed companies, unless One happens to purchase the new Seed; the Seed companies attempt to imitate the pharmaceutical industry on Pricing. Genetically-altered natural Products will continue to be utilized in any case, and eventually like all activity of Mankind, will be overused to the point that We will poison Ourselves. It is the nature of the Beast!.
Dani Rodrik’s has found the beauty of politicalization of his Commentary on economic issues. Everyone tends to draw Stock from whatever is said, and teaching Economics provides the Source material for Propagandists. A lowly personage such as myself derives great comfort in knowing that I am always characterized as being in error on most everything, due to the benefits of the practice. The only consolation in the practice lay in its concentration on the arena of immediate Events, so you can spout about the immediately unimportant with some degree of prestige. Again, it has to do with the suicide practice of Self-Poisoning.
Felix Salmon finds some value in buying lottery tickets. He may miss the great value of lottery tickets to the working Public. Most of new Labor feels some guilt as the great amount of taxes drawn from the Poor, and the lack of taxation on their own true Proceeds from their occupations. They cannot be Revisionist, and state that taxes should be increased for the greater value of Society. They rationalize that lottery tickets can be considered an Entertainment, with Purchases being contemplated as Entertainment Costs. They suddenly possess a mechanism to assuage their guilt over the plight of the Poor by directing their Entertainment allowance in a manner where tax revenues replace the reduction in their own personal taxes; some Studies already confirm that lottery winners have a serious emotional letdown after the initial flash of Winning large in a Lottery, this could be attributed to a massive influx of guilt. Most People would doubt, but History is replete with instances of resentment against Wealth expressed by People who receive great Riches without effort. lgl
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