Monday, January 21, 2008

The Failures of the West

The Past has always been only a Step away in Africa. Ethnic Violence has always meant that racial identity becomes too often a Death Warrant. Tradition and Overpopulation guarantee that the Practices of ethnic cleansing will not end. It also puts the national policies of the World in a quandary: Throughout the Twentieth Century, We were bombarded by the ideological condemnation of Colonialism, yet it was Colonialism which kept Tribal rages under control. It did this effectively for practically half a Century, also bringing these Tribal societies into the Twentieth Century in terms of economic adjustment; although Colonialism produced a very ineffective effort to exterminate Tribal rivalries. The Period since Colonial Days has been systemically predicated by Violence, utilized by Tribes in their bid for Power over other Tribes. Colonialism was evil because of its failures, not for its successes.

The inability of the Whole to combine to prevent deviant behavior may be the real legacy of Western Civilization. I chose this Reminder basically because it is still controversial. The Planet is Warming, there is no doubt of this effect; but there is no actual indication it is the fault of humanity, or even that humanity has the power to affect this Warming trend. My own estimate states simply it is the degenerative process of Species overpopulation; We are drafting too excessive an amount of resource to survive. I simply await the arrival of a successful Pandemic, knowing that in my case, it will make little difference.

The failures of Western Civilization could best be examined in this format, where both Journalism and Blogging refuse to point out the failures of military intervention. Criticism is countered by refusal of access by military authorities, and the Wars continue; though still without essential purpose or Goal. Success is adjudged to rely upon the development of a political process, a idiocy even in terms of the truly democratic nations of the West. A Coup d’etat could eliminate in hours all the Work accomplished by years of struggle, while the Struggle will continue as long as foreigners reside on Native soil. We always seek Pinnacles which could not be maintained, even if they could ever be attained. lgl

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