Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Real Danger of Bush

Who was that poor guy who suggested that Iraq might even cost a $100 billion? As long as We are pointing fingers at people, We should charge him with Fraud at well. Bush and McCain are wrong about Iraq, but it is nothing new when Republicans are connected with foreign policy. I am not being specifically partisan in saying that; it is just fact. I think the basic problem lies in the Republican demand to treat foreign policy with the formulas utilized in Corporate Board room fights; a Conceptualism which they can understand. This is not to say that Democrats hold a greater proficiency in dealing with foreign policy. The basic problem with the approaches of Each comes in their demands to publicize all Initiatives; foreign policy best conducted in the dark of night, without Public knowledge of the concessions exchanged. Politicians have never understood that Transparency clutters foreign policy with a widespread commentary which operates in opposition to effective policy.

Alex Tabarrok indeed holds the correct attitude towards Life, and reflects the American attitude towards the Stimulus Package; Freebees should be spent on the irrelevancies of life, never distorting the Business format of Anyone. I would suggest Anyone could send such Gratuities to myself, as I could utilize an additional T-Bone Steak, and fill the old Truck. The impulse of Americans to act like a Millionaire for a night may be one of the strongest forces in American society; think how many Poor insist on taking their children to Disney World, at an average Price of $6000 per trip. It is not up to Economists to adjudge the morality of such Expense, but simply to integrate such funds into Consumption sales. Here is a group of people who does not understand the principle of letting People blow their money in methods which are detrimental to the Savings function; leaving alone the Status symbolism of owning a Product which is overpriced and not economically efficient.

I have now supplied a supplemental list of Readings which provide some kind of ethical attempt to counter the nonsensical attitude of my blog, so I can turn to the main Thought of my Day, which is the fact that American foreign policy actually stops during the Election years. No one, Domestic or Foreign, holds great desire to make any deal with Bush, who is a lame-Duck, short-term possessor of an Office, and who will be replaced with an alternate Candidate and management policy. There is no guarantee to any Deals which could be made, so delays are instituted in order to not cancel potential Negotiating strengths. I am quite sure that Bush himself complains that the Machine does not move with the old alacrity. The trouble comes in the fact that such a lengthy Vacation from effective policy remains disastrous to American Interests. lgl

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