Saturday, December 11, 2004

Universal Health Care--Cheaper?

The Author has long been considering the Health Care Costs problem in the United States. He has come up with a radical program, which could really cut Health Care costs with Everyone benefiting.

Universal Health Care Plan

1) Everyone to be insured by Social Security number, unless they specifically opt from the program. (Those with ability to pay must pay premiums commisserit to cost).
2) Doctors will be sold SS numbers in a Bidding system, with Actuaries defining actual costs by Age. (Doctors will retain their Patients in subsequent years, if acceptable to both Patient and Doctor; if they accept the premium level demanded by Government Actuaries.)
3) Doctors will pay all Costs for their Patients--all medical procedures, Drugs, Hospitalizations, Emergency Care, Home Care, medical equipment, medical Specialists, etc.)
4) Doctors will pay a yearly premium per Patient into a Malpractice and Extreme Cost Fund maintained by the AMA, from which they can borrow for exteme levels of Care Cost--they must make repayment from their receipts. (The Federal Government could provide some funds to this self-insurance by Doctors, upon clear need.)
5) The AMA Fund will hire Lawyers (yearly Salary) to defend Doctors in malpractice suits, and to negotiate wholesale Drug prices for Doctors. Actuaries will be hired to negoiate with the Government, and provide bidding information for Doctors. They will also compile a suggested list of Fees for medical Specialists. They will be paid a yearly salary from the Fund.
6) Doctors will be allowed complete freedom to determine the course of treatment and diagnosis for every Patient, knowing that overuse of Drugs, diagnostics, or treatment facilities will result in diminished Income for themselves.
7) Government Actuaries will determine Patient premiums based upon the expected Cost of health care plus a percentage amount allowing Doctors a projected Income between $100-300k, with the acquisition of 1000 Patients.
8) Government will Sunset Medicare and Medicaid, replacing the Previous with the new Universal Health Care Plan. It will determine the base Income level past which Patients must pay their own premiums for inclusion in the Program--this as true for the Elderly currently on Medicare as for young Workers.
9) There will not further Government funding of Health services or medical facilities--except on Case-by-Case expressed need.
10) Uninsured Patients will be charged for all Emergency Care.

The Author expects Health Care Costs to reduce radically to some point, and then increase only as the rate of overall Inflation. The rationale for this belief lies in the AMA Fund negoiating effective Wholesale prices for their membership from Drug manufacturers, medical equipment manufacturers, and medical Specialists. Government Actuaries will insist one Cost-realistic Patient premiums being paid to the Doctors. Actual medical care will reduce to that necessary for maximization of health in the Patients--at least Cost with the Doctors footing the bill for any excess. lgl

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