Sunday, October 08, 2006

Birthday Dinner

I will cut this short, as I have a family dinner for a Birthday coming up (mine actually, though it is tomorrow). Steve Hannaford at Oligopoly Watch has a good Post, and links to other of his writings. Be sure to read the article, but if it leaves you slightly dazed, read his own assessment , and also check out this item on small business v. Credit Card companies. The entirety may paint a darker picture than exists, but it does mean additional Credit Charges for all Users. Whether this equates to economic profits, or simple business practice, constitutes the real issue. Consumers must pay more in either case.

Tyler Cowan has a really good Post on the impact of the Nobel Prize awards. He outlines what is done with the Nobel Prize, and what could be done.

A simple response to Greg Mankiw (I again forgot to obtain the link: Sorry) about Pigouvian taxes. They constitute, in their finer refinement, an equivalent impact to Central planning. This is the stuff of Legends, and a repeat of failed Socialism. lgl

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