Monday, October 02, 2006

Perils of the Net

I had a very good post on Pay scales earlier today, which my Blog Server managed to vanish from human sight. I could reconstruct, but know I have since surrendered my link paths: atop the fact that I am lazy about restoration projects. My advise for my Readers is to study the Net, as there was a number of good Posts.

I wil instead pose a number of Questions:

Can the price of Oil be increased by OPEC cutbacks? Not in my belief. There are too many Oil fields online, and Investment Debt load on native Governments forestall sufficient levels of restriction for propelling Oil price increases.

Will Employment levels decrease as the Economy cools? Doubtful. The real push to maximize Business Profits has failed, as Corporations are finally feeling the effects of downsizing, and Business will likely have to increase Labor rolls in order to save Business Profits from a sharp decline.

Will Consumer prices go up? This is almost certainly the Case: domestic Business will have to pass their increased Costs on to Consumers, and Imports will increase in price because of increased Labor Costs and Maintenance Costs overseas.

What is the economic outlook? Business should not plan overlarge for the Christmas Season. Consumers will be hit with Winter Heating bills (hopefully declining), but the Summer's Gas bills ate up a lot of the Christmas budget for Many, and I see no early planning by the Soccer Moms. The Christmas Season will come and go, and may even be fairly good (with some doubt on my part); but I would advise Retailers stock with heavy emphasis on turning a Profit with the January Sales (which will have to be large dscounts). lgl

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