Saturday, February 03, 2007

Advocacy of Extremist Views

John Quiggin wants to criticize the American Enterprise Institute for it’s Minimum Wage policy, but he actually falls short of the Mark; a short Critique of global warming should take less than a few hours (maybe some externality Costs for the Scotch to suppress Guilt feelings), and $10k would easily put the Consultant fee over the normal $2k per hour for fine-crafted Bull. Be sure to read the Comments section under the Post, as they point out the ramifications of this Project. Those who can manage to attain position on the Invitation-Only list would do well to concentrate on Hurricane data in the Atlantic over its recorded history. I should examine the arena for Invitations-Only lists for the other side; I possessing an excellent article for the impact of the Sahara Desert on the Hurricanes in the Atlantic. Of course, the other side might not be as well-funded.

I spotted this article yesterday, and wondered at it. Paul Krugman truthfully did not examine the collected archives of Economic journals before spouting the commonly-held belief that Classical Economics ruled until 1936–but wait; was he not simply reiterating what Keynes had written in 1936? Lawrence White might be a little light of overwhelming proof of the lack of free market orthodoxy, listing only support of American economists for Minimum Wage legislation for women and children (more a question of humanism rather than economics), and a list of Authors who are hard-put to post claim to fame prior to publication of ‘The General Theory” in 1936. Authenticity of the tenor of the Times must insist on a statistical evaluation of Advocacy of the Time (by the way, I think Krugman is a lousy economic historian too).

Check out this Post by Bryan Caplan, if you want to more fully understand the potential extremism of advocacy, which Bryan provides links; remember his Post is about anarcho-capitalist literature. A minimal state may be a Dream, but practicalities do intrude. The greatest intrusion must always be Authority, the only source to provide limitations on Private reactions to socially condemned groups (hint: do a Search on the activities on the Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War). The minimal state will always require imposition of Authority, as Private individuals overstep their right to censure, or impose sanctions upon the rights of other Private individuals; there must always be a central authority to suggest ‘Enough is Enough’. Civilized Conduct and the rights of the minority impel necessary protections, and there are also natural interventions in the economic models to prevent excesses such as false impoundment of personal property and the prevention of starvation. lgl

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