Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Circus

I regret to state that my view that the Recession is going to be permanent seems to prevail in Europe. I have stated there may be no Recovery to the levels enjoyed before the financial crisis, and that We are settling into a pattern of sustained Production at the current position. The Jobs may not come back, only be replaced by new lines of development, with no one capable of superceding current Investment limitations. If my Concepts are right, then economic expansion has been maxinized, and We can only turn to preservation of natural resources. It does not mean We cannot have a robust economy, only a scaled one of set boundary. This must be coupled with the Statement that Everyone who has ever said that the economy could not do more, have been discredited by Events.

It might be the time to bring in Tim Schilling, who brought access to this article. It appears that Europe is taking the Recession much worse than here in America, though this may be because the Welfare support structure here is sounder in principle, even if less universal. There is still indication that all Government fiscal measures have failed to even dent the Recession, which can be translated into the economy operating according to structural fundamentals, which will not be swayed by Government action. I would advocate that Government officials abandon plans to stimulate, and devise long-term plans for welfare supply for a much larger segment of the population. One must do the necessary, before they can dream of the Wondrous.

Here is a perfect example of what I am trying to imply. What if initial Claims stayed consistent for even a Period as long as 4 years; this meaning there was a huge increase in temporary Spot employment, with Workers continually rejoining the Unemployed. The current Claim level is at 6.14 million–which may never decrease. What will this level do to Worker incentives? What do We do with the Employment Funds, which are rapidly running out of Cash? May We not have to separate Contribution and Benefit, so that We have a unitary Benefit with a higher, but universal tax upon all Employers–forgetting the Concept of Worker contribution? Are We reentering a Time of Bread and Circuses, so that the Polity does not revolt and riot? Times might indicate that the Masses are ready to start feeding Capitalists to the lions. lgl

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