Thursday, May 06, 2010


Sometimes I wonder about the expectations of economists, like this Post. There is the assertion that wolves are not pack animals–a highly debatable item. There is also the inability to assume the distinctions between wolves and sheep. Wolves are predators–lean of form, and heavy on propulsive muscle; very swift to change direction and speed. Sheep are bred for meat and wool. They are light on muscle strength–bad for quality consumption of the meat–and slow to change direction. The wolves’ strategy is to hamstring the animal, or simply to tear out the sheep’s throat. Wolves can run for approx. two hours without tiring, while sheep can run only about twenty minutes before slowing and panting. Wolves have an innate knowledge that running the sheep tire them rapidly, making a kill easy. They also know that sheep frighten easily, and one wolf can keep all sheep running rapidly as they tire; wolves cognizant that they can rest as other wolves run the sheep herd in a circular pattern. Shepherds recognize that the poundage of sheep is important to their bottom line, and sheep run off pounds faster than either wolves or Shepherd. Nick’s argument lacks some validity. Looking at the entire thing from the viewpoint of the animal grower, it suggests that the correct option is to shoot the first two wolves, the loss to the wolf pack suggesting to the pack that it is too dangerous to attack the sheep.

Here is another Post which suggests that Times are relatively Good, simply because nominal numbers have reached a certain level. A stability of certain sectors does not a Recovery make, or does certain high Sales constitute a Return to Production. Yelling Fire in a crowded theater is not appropriate, but neither is promising Free Food which does not exist. The numbers are there, though they are having little impact on growth in the economy. A major factor behind this comes from the Government pulling so much Cash from the Private sector by their borrowing practices. The Rain will have to change in both force and amount before I go to whistling in the rain.

Read this thing straight from the White House. It is here that you will find most of what is wrong with the financial markets. The Loopholes are there, and exercised. A study of the issues involved will tell the Reader that it all concerns allowance of financial institutions to misinform their investors. All this should be covered by fraud laws, if the Courts would only enforce the laws on the books. An independent agency might not be the Solution, though the ability of State investigators to take such information to State Courts would be an immense help. One of the most important provisions under the law is to treat everyone the same, and the creation of exemptions will haunt Us in the long-run. lgl

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