Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Waste of a Good Saturday

I had zero plans to write anything this morning, then I read this article. Then Uwe went and asked his last question. The Answer to the question is the Consumer of the purchased Products manufactured. This is commonly known, and not truly so surprising. What is remarkable is the high favor I feel towards Capital Gains, not shared by many economists. So it be that I am writing on a beautiful Saturday morning, rather than watching the good-looking women in their Shopping for those Goods; no comments about dirty old men please!

Capital Gains are a wonderful form of taxation. They first tax only success! They don’t come bite you if you have not had a good year. It is a taxation of Profits alone. Poor business management is left to be punished with bankruptcy or loan payments. It has almost no impact on capital aggregation, another function almost totally based upon Profits; this function fuels little same sector investment, but serves to transfer Profits across Production Products so that saturated sectors do not become overfilled. Capital Gains provides further insurance from this over-fulfillment in sector, a genuine benefit though somewhat derided by economists.

What I like about Capital Gains is simply the impact it has upon Consumers. Economists would acclaim that this impact is entirely negative; but I will disagree. Capital Gains taxation is a form of Tax farming, enjoined only on successful production. The Consumers would wind up paying the taxation in the long-run anyway, though there is disagreement among economists over this Statement even. A certain level of tax revenues must be maintained to hold the borrowing power of Government, so taxation is a reality; even if some economists believe that Government does not have to be paid for. Capital Gains taxation, though, relies on Tax Farmers, who have liberty to assess the taxation of the Consumers to both their own and Consumer benefit. Taxes can be spread insequencially among Products–meaning higher tax rates on some Products, lower upon others. They are collected upon Consumer preference, and only when the Consumer has the ability to Pay; guaranteeing that Consumers themselves have the Profitability to endure the tax payment. Capital Gains has actual preference over Income taxation and Sales taxation, all because of its emphasis on successful Production. lgl

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