Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tax Cut Suicide?

The Republicans think they have locked in their Election chances with the latest Tax Cut, but have they? It might be great to fill political campaign coffers, meeting the implied promises by the heavy money. Does it do that same job with Voters?

All Sources, later to be funded by Democrats, states 80% of the benefit goes to the top 10% of Income Earners. Does this excite the Republican Rank and File, most of whom do not fit the bill for great benefit from the Tax Cut. There is other criterea as well, namely that Sweet Crude is again selling for $73/barrel, the previous Employers of most of the White House (for Those not in the know, I talk of the Oil industry) are recording the highest Profits ever, and the Congress is entirely Gridlock except for Tax Cuts and Spending. The only thing which has come out of Congress in the last Year is Pork.

Even the most wistful of the Affluent do not expect any more Tax Cuts within the parameter the current Administration. Any future Projects of this Administration can only mean higher Deficits, at a time the National Debt already exceeds $8 trillion and expected to pass $10 trillion by the time Bush leaves Office. Both President and Congress have expressed Deadhead in dealing with the problems of Gas shortages, Medicare and Medicaid lack of revenues, the shrinking Social Security Fund, the mess of Proscription D setup, curtailment of Federal Spending, or getting out of our foreign wars. It remains a long time until Election Day, and Congress and President are gearing up to run political campaigns, not the Country!

Some Voters think there should exist a more viable leadership in Washington, and several Polls indicate that Some or Sum may exceed 50% of the Election Turnout in November. We still have yet to hear the Democrats tell how they are going to lose the Election. lgl

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