Wednesday, August 09, 2006


There is a major movement (behind the Scenes) to change the basic format of Advertising, with redesigned technology which will prevent Consumers from using their own equipment to avoid advertisements. Soon DVDs and TVs will prohibit scooting past commercial Ads. Many Businessmen witness this process, and think that it should go further. It will. Another decade will see the debacle of Internet Users forced to sit through Advertising, before they are able to arrive at their desired destination. Many of You may think the time has already arrived, but you do not know of which you speak; negotiations have already opened with Internet Service Providers over selling captive audience periodic overrides which must be watched. The alternative to this Advertising will be lack of Service.

We already face DVDs which will not fast forward through Commercial spots. This Author is old enough to remember the major Selling point of original Cable TV: avoidance of Advertising. I do not believe any Cable network has ever ran without Commercial advertising, even from it's inception. Business and Advertisers are set to invade the Internet, and your basic Internet User sits complacent. They currently demand We pay for Hookup, extract a monthly Service fee, and populate all Sites with stationary or Pop-up Ads. When will it stop?

Children will eventually reach my Age, though they refuse to believe it. The current technology crafted for Business by Business will one day insist they watch old Commercial Ads (some undoubtedly already for out-of-business Concerns) simply to show their children Old Favorites. Another elementwill also intrude: more and more Airtime is being consumed by Advertising. The system is also inefficient: I once estimated that only One-in-230+ actually ever bought any individual Product advertised; Business relying on millions of Viewers of said Advertising to achieve their Sales goals.

Advertising will be regulated some day, but only after Consumers are sufficiently angered to demand Change. People will be paying high Prices for Entertainment which will grow to be One-Third advertising or greater. People will be paying for Internet Service where they will be forced to watch maybe Two hours of Advertising per Day just to maintain access. Consumer Airtime is valuable as well, and they must accomplish in their Day. Control measures must be studied. lgl

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