Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Why of Bloging

Much question has been given over on why people read Blogs. I say equal time should be granted for the question of why people blog. The reason why people read blogs is easy: people short on time read bloggers who they have found to be trustworthy and provisional of links to articles and Threads of interest. The reason why bloggers scribble so continuously lies in their desire for recognition, almost All knowing it will be only a fleeting thing of little intrinsic value; never seriously contemplating any real money deriving from it. I, on the other hand, am in it only for the money, knowing full well I will never see a Penny come from it!

Any desirous of serious Comment at this point should check out this NYTimes article about a Congressional Research Service study. The Defense Dept. states We are spending about $6.8 billion a month ($81.6 bn/Year), but the Study suggests the likelihood the price tag for Iraq alone to be some $8 billion per month ($96 bn/Year). Neither estimate considers the Replacement Costs of Munitions and Equipment in the calculation. This Author feels the total Cost of the two (Iraq and Afghanistan) will average in excess of $11 bn per month ($132 bn/Year) with a $2 bn per month Cost ($24 bn/Year) for Equipment and Munitions Replacement. Blowing up the infrastructure of a Country is not cheap. lgl

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