Monday, July 23, 2007

The Carbon Problem

Tim Haab believes that higher Energy prices are beginning to bring Change. Multiple plans are currently being studied to devise methods to simply reduce the Costs of Commuting. There could be more radical Change, though, to greater benefit for All. I believe in a Pigou form of taxation coupled with Incentive: A law charging every Business enterprise a certain Daily price for each Parking space they provide for both Customers and Employees, plus cheap Interest Government loans for establishment of a Company Busing Service. Employees will be told to take the Company Bus, as Parking is unavailable; automatically making the Bus service sustainable and Profitable in Ticket sales. You will see Walmart advertising Pickup, Shopping, and Home Delivery service for about 3% of Checkout totals to a maximum. Smaller Venders will enter into Cooperative Bus service, when Cities must charge by law equivalent Space property tax rates for Parking by venue of Parking Permits or Meters. Do Car Owners imagine We are in a Stalinist era?

I recently received a Comment on one of my Posts, directing me to a site believing that what is necessary is a revenue-neutral Carbon tax. I would first like to state that it is impossible to create a revenue-neutral Carbon tax; the use of Carbon-burning fuels is too extensive to obtain any degree of neutrality, no matter how you try to shade it, it will be a Tax imposition which will cost Taxpayers. I would favor directed tax payment to achieve stabilization of Our Welfare system, a genuine benefit, rather a Sleight-of-Hand treatment which will allow Business to slide their Expenses off on Consumers, while giving incentive to Politicians to increase their Spending. The only sure Protection is to devote the tax revenues to some Program where Beneficiaries will be up in Arms if Politicians think to touch it.

The more complex a Carbon tax system becomes, the greater the long-term chicanery which will be devised to divert it’s purpose. Cap-n-Trade fails any Test for real achievement, as the goal of Business will be to Profit by it; causing it to be too expensive for Consumers. I could outline how Cap-n-Trade practice could conceivably increase Carbon fuel usage, due to the liberal issuance of Permits; Everyone and their Dog will want them as they can be Sold. Business claims of Need will be universally excessive, so as to get a probable double of their actual Needs; excessive Carbon license given free rein by purchase of cheap Carbon permits on the open market. I think sometimes that the modern world has lost Sight of Community Interest. lgl

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