Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hot Air Generators--And No, not me!

Knowledge Problem started me thinking about older technology with this Post. Most Readers will not understand the Cost dynamic here, which is not simple transfer of Electrical usage to non-Peak hours. It is much cheaper to refrigerate a smaller, confined area much lower in Temperature, than it is to cool a much larger area to a much higher Temperature but below Surface temperatures. The Water utilized in Cooling can be confined to a much smaller area, and refrigerated to Ice at cheaper Price than an entire Building–whether in terms of BTUs, or electric bills. The most Optimum such system depends totally on the Water distribution schematic through the building in question; I think the Best would be Misters at floor level along the walls, with Evaporation Collectors at ceiling level; trough water would be pumped to the refrigerators.

The entire discussion turned my Thoughts to the issue of Waste Heat. I belong to that persuasion who believe Urban centers are Heat Engines, with such intensity that Weather patterns are being corrupted by the Excess Heat. Here lay the two Worst problems facing Us today: more increasingly expensive Energy resources, and vast growth in Waste Heat. The Later could be a vast resource in the production of Energy itself, if its potential could be turned to kinetic energy.

Here is where I turn into Crank Inventor: My first Thought is anchored Hot Air balloons with wide bottom opening, and multiplex escape Vents along the upper One-Third of the balloon, all singular direction Vanes in the Vents tied to a electric generator; power sent to the ground through the anchor lines. Does this sound Stupid? It may well be, but a large number of Engineering problems should be worked through: What would be the BTU power available in the Updraft conditions common to Urban areas? Could the bottom balloon hole have sufficient wing capability to provide stability? Could mechanical resistence be eliminated from the Vane venting system to provide effective motive power for electrical generation? Could ground Transformers concentrate any power generated to sufficient degree as to profitably sell such generated Power? What materials could such balloons be constructed from, so as to provide buoyancy with durability at cheap Cost; it being silly to build said systems if the construction uses more energy than can be generated by the system? And People wonder why responsible Adults consider me childish and senile. lgl

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