Monday, July 16, 2007

Markets, Trade, and Junk Food

Here is an article which confuses the Concepts of Markets and Trade. The implication residual to the Reader is that if one believes in Markets, one must believe intrinsically in Free Trade. The Converse of this theory states that Free Trade works because Markets work. The inherent truth states absolute Free Markets have never worked without massive levels of Crime, the development of major Shortages of required Product for future Production, and generation of artificial Shortages to manipulate Prices in a fraudulent manner. The only real relationship between Markets and Free Trade consists of the fact that Free Trade is unlikely to work any more effectively than absolutely Free Markets.

There is a Current underfoot across the ocean to tax the Goodies of children. Tim Haab would reduce it to a tax on externalties, or oppose it. Political Calculations implies it is another example of Big Brother deciding for the rest of Us. The real rub in this Situation comes from the fact there exists a sound basis for such a Tax upon Junk Foods. Where? Children can absorb incredible amounts of bad Food habits, and still remain relatively healthy. Adults, on the other hand, face a much greater threat in that bad Diet has extreme consequence in most instances, and the greatest majority of Junk Foods are consumed by Adults. An effective Tax on an externality would be to double the Price of such Foods, and give a 70% Discount to Purchasers under the Age of 18. Would it sell as a Presidential Campaign plank?

Maybe I can gain support for the Above measure from Sustain. Anyone who opposes sewage sludge for irrigation and genetically-altered Foods should oppose Food Products artificially-impacted with Fat and Sugar additives. It might revolve around the quantity of Candy bars their Staff might consume per day. One can only try, at least. I should mention, before Many begin to think of myself as a Food Nut, that I have been Dieting consistently for about Two years: I feel for Tim Haab’s misery, and actually had a Diary Queen blizzard last night. lgl

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