Monday, May 11, 2009

The Horror within the Ideal

I could state this Post by Richard Posner holds a real Truth, but that would be a shade off the Truth. Conservative Intellectuals have suffered no more than Liberal Intellectuals in having solid values discarded for morally dubious flags. Both Liberal and Conservative Intellectuals tacitly accept lack of fiscal restraint; Liberals accepting ballooned military expenditures for Welfare awards, while Conservatives sell their Souls for Tax Cuts. Liberals, though, do not hold the ‘High Ground’, accepting the Conservative position of Welfare if and only if it provides a high Profit ratio for Business. The monetary policy which Posner may be proud of as vindication of Friedman is starting to show some wear; containing the Concept of the worthlessness of adding another two Courses to a four Course meal–appetite and desire diminish in the face of absurd weight gain. There is a Place and Time where Growth curtails from a real limit to profitable extraction of resources; past that point, Money only raises Wages and Prices. Marginal Tax rates only gain power when the Taxes are onerous. Estate taxes only supply a Public mortgage to wealthy heirs, simply to level the field for Those who must earn their own. Neither style of Intellectual advocates a real reduction of Government, bowing to the Educated pursuit of employment for their children. Conservative and Liberal alike entertain a major degree of hypocrisy in the exposition of their ideology, which is Why only emotional appeals work with the younger generation; the later still worried about trusting Anyone over Thirty, even after all these years!

Gary Becker generally presents a more sensible attitude to Conservatives which has more pragmatism, if not ideological underpinning. Becker assumes that modern Conservatism harks back to classical Liberal views, something which may require a huge stretch of the imagination; as there seems a far better affinity to the Ku Klux Klan, and riding Deviants from the Norm out on a Rail after "Tar and Feathering". The Conservative ideal finds its origins in the lower ranks of the Middle Class, which spawned equally Communism, Fascism, and Nazism; it being only a factor of special interest prominence at the moment. Liberalism came from the deluded halls of Ivy, and suffered Corruption through translation for the masses. Any Concept falters in the face of Special Interests, the final outcome rests on dual elements of Police force and the attitude of the Wealthy.

One must ask if any ideology can endure the perversion of Politics; this later the process of co-aligning personal desires with a justifiable base of support. The attainment of that Support will always destroy the beauty of the Concepts, allowing personal greed dominance over the fairness behind structured ideals. The Reader should understand there is a basic destructiveness involved in all Communist fairness, Fascist fairness, and middle class fairness in general. Parochial Interests will serve only the established interests of the Past, and extend their evil into the future. One has to be conscious of the Winds of Politics, simply to protect against attacks upon your Self. The one sure evidence of Corruption within ideals comes in the development of personal attacks upon individuals; then it is time to relocate, else you suffer the consequences endured by the Jews under the Nazis, or the Wealthy under a Communist regime. lgl

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