Saturday, March 12, 2005

Greenspan Again?

Greenspan has been shifting from a technocrat Regulator to a Politician for some years now, but he must be hunting for some Appointee job from the Bush administration. This time he comments that Hedge funds and mutual funds do not need regulation, as the market does a good job of regulation through dispersal of monies. He must think Fund marketing and advertisement has no effect, malfeasant of Accounting can never hide Profit losses or theft, and Fund Managers need not outline Wage schedules or Personnel bonuses.

His comments on the Bank Pact remain subject to interpretation, but in the Party-Speak of Bankers, it sounds like the new Fed regulations will be so ambiguous as to allow individual bank evasion of World standards. The Author evaluates it simply: Dick Cheney accounting procedures have traveled from private Corporate practice, to a public niche in Federal Budget financing, and has set it's Sights on the American Banking structure.

The Author would like to see an honest Bush Tax Policy. He can provide a list of Tax provisions totally consistent with the Bush agenda:

1) Republicans get a 20% Tax credit
2) Democrats and Independents get a 20% Tax increase
3) Neocons, if Republicans, get an additional 10% Tax credit
4) People making less than $50k per year, get an additional 10% Tax hike
5) People making over $100k per year, get an additional 10% Tax credit.
6) Corporate Executive get an additional 20% Tax credit
7) Millionaires get an additional 25% Tax Credit
8) Third-Generation Millionaires get an additional 10% Tax credit
9) Voters who accept a filled-out Ballot from the Republican Party will get a 20% Tax credit.
10) All Tax Credits will be accumulative.

The Author has tried to capture the spirit of the Bush faith-based Tax reform effort. lgl

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