Thursday, March 10, 2005

Summary March 2005

The Author introduces a periodic Summary of the state of the Country and World, basically due to the repetitiousness of Today's new items. Author and Reader should get some feel for Our state of health and being by listing potential and real hazards.

The violence in Iraq continues to expand. The Author has in previous published Work stated American military incursions should not last longer than 60 days, lest Worldwide anti-American forces concentrate to attack. He regrets being proven right. The Iraqis were not ready for Civil War when Saddam was deposed and later captured, but they are prepped now; We should leave them to it, as Our presence simply lengthens the Inevitable.

The President's Budget gives truth to the expression stating Science Fiction is alive and well, the House Response Budget doing no better. Basic ideological differences divide Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and any Budget has little chance of passage. This may be for the Best, as all Proposals call for either increased Spending, or reduced Tax revenues. Bush Budgets threaten to send the Dollar to join the Titanic, as the Federal Government drowns in red ink.

Chinese textiles flood American and World markets, as limitations on Imports were removed last December 31th. This can only worsen the American Trade Balance, something unneeded with the current Trade Deficit level the second highest on Record. There seems to be only two potential restrictions on American Import growth: the clogging of American and Chinese Port facilities, soon reaching an absolute limit on Goods transfer; or the sheer lack of cargo-carrying bottoms to transport such volume of Trade. Which will stop Import growth, or will infrastructure construction leave enough capacity for American purchase of everything except domestic Jobs? lgl

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