Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Real Sc-Fi

SPACE OPERATIONS: Really Tiny Military Satellites

This stuff seems far out, but People are designing and building these things; Most at Cost levels not equal to their military value. The Nanosatellites, though, have intense promise simply because of their 15-lb weight. Nanotechnology gives the Product both Energy-Source and ability to conduct high-degree surveillance. The hoped-for end will be a functional Solid-State satellite easily sent into Space.

The Author sees a real availability to such nanosatellites. Why? Cruise missiles fired from high-altitude Bombers could reach orbit, and scatter-fire nanosatellites into proper position over battlefields. A Cruise missile fired at 60,000 feet could deliver about fifteen nanosatellites in dispersed order in a designated AO, and would be easily replaceable if destroyed, though of undoubted major expense. This is an extremely attractive option when combined with a new series of unbreakable Machine codes. lgl

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