Sunday, August 07, 2005


Globalization of Materials R&D: Time for a National Strategy
(Free Executive Summary)

Where is the United States at in the World of R&D. Most pertinent Quote:

Conclusion. The results of MSE R&D continue to enhance U.S. national security and
homeland defense by adding improved materials capabilities to the weapons and
protective systems used by today’s war fighter. The evolution of materials research in
the United States and abroad will affect the nation’s ability not only to defend against
emerging threats of the 21st century but also to ensure a healthy economy as a basic
underpinning of national security. Because knowledge and the intellectual capacity to
generate new knowledge are proliferating across the world, because innovation and
development cycles are becoming shorter, and because U.S. dependence on foreign
sources of innovation is increasing, the lead in critical technologies enjoyed thus far by
the U.S. defense and intelligence communities will be seriously eroded without mitigating

The disturbing element to this Author lies in the fact he was reading identical Pap in the 1970s. Reality must set in sometime; let Us see if the Author can help:

Point One states there is an absolute limit to the development of any Technology, no further amount of effort or funding can extract greater benefit. Point Two states there is a point far short of the absolute limit where it becomes uneconomical to even develop the Technology to such an advanced degree. Point Three states that any Technological system built in excess of this point of economic exploitation will cost too much, and do too little--there being no bang for the buck. Point Four states American Defence and Intelligence will again have to oppose Enemy forces which are as equally well-equiped as We are, and then, efficient and effective Strategic and Tactical concerns will again dominate. American Defense should plan and train for this contingent, which this Author expects to occur somewhere around 2020.

The United States could continue to lead in R&D if Funds were properly directed to vital research areas. The Author has long advocated creation of a 'Surface Carbon construct' artificial Fuel to replace Oil Products. He has advocated the research for, design, and development of plastic replacements for Timber products--made from current hard Waste products like old building materials. He advocates a goal of 30% replacement of current electrical generation with Wind and Water Generation technologies. This is only the Tip of the Iceberg, what the Public can see and understand. Further Technology gain can come from Zero Pollution Manufacturing through underground, enclosed Production lines, where all Production (including Maintenance) is mechanized and run from Computer Work Stations.

Far-fetched? The actual Design and Manufacture of the Capital Production equipment for such Production would be cheaper and more Energy-efficient, Quality Control of Product would be cheaper, and Labor would not have to know more than how to run a Work Station computer system with High School Reading skills for integration of Maintenance and Set-Up Manuals. The Benefits would be complete control of Pollution emision, and compaction of the Production area; to the point, a Plant could not only put the Work Stations aboveground, but utilize the land for Agriculture, or sell for Homes. Present R&D funding goes to build fancier UAVs(Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles), rather than something economically beneficial. lgl

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