Friday, March 21, 2008

Banks and Toilets--Anything in Common?

I guess my Lead-In matches my attitude on this gentle Good Friday. Much of the World is still looking for a functional Public Toilet. The sad Scenario may be why Christ accepted Crucifixion in the first place; I know how uncomfortable it can get. I will abandon bathroom humor, though, to state that lack of sanitation creates about One-Fifth of the medical ills of the World, and the article states that the provision of adequate facilities actually provides a Return of $9, for every Dollar invested in the sanitation. I would say that this financial Reward is not likely to withstand real scrutiny, considering the high Cost of sewer and water systems combined with the wide area distribution of the needed facilities; still, adequate sanitation is the only effective Curative to the traditional pandemic scenes.

This Post has some relationship to the above commentary, especially if One is walking to find a Public Toilet. The effects discussed do exist, but may over-develop the Situation. People are going to require Food reserves whether they Walk or not, and lack of exercise in itself causes a wide range of Health problems, insisting on heavy Energy use to correct the residual effects. Take it from Someone who has poured an immense amount of liquid Carbon into Gas tanks: You can ingest an equal amount of Carbon into the body, but you sure won’t get the same rate of Burn; the Word from Someone who has to exercise every day, but never sees the tank empty of the weight of fuel like his truck.

Mark Thoma does his usual creditable Job of outlining the creation of the Federal Reserve system in its present form; read it to understand its preventive measures, but also the fears behind the measures. I have always held an sanguine attitude to bank failures and bank Runs. I think the central bank system is operated to forestall any individual outbreak, and believe that this position remains basically wrong. The later Events are far more effective in keeping Bankers honest in their Trade, than will any form of Regulation. The central Bank system should ensure the greater stability of the banking community as a whole, though throwing individual Bankers to the wolves because of their adverse monetary policies. The Reader may not think I am serious about this, but I would like to see about five Banks forced into Receivership per year. It would induce far less wastage of liquid assets overall, and leave Bankers personally responsible for their own fortunes. lgl

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