Sunday, March 09, 2008

The New Markets

Here lies a Story which presents personal identification. I have a Brother-in-law who had a Son-in-law, who ordered a Computer equipped with Vista for his favorite Daddy-in-law. He had made a widespread search of the Internet, and settled on this Computer. Both Brother-in-law and Son-in-law had experience with Computers, a probable 30 years between them running Windows. I myself have 15 years with Windows, though I cannot be considered truly Windows-sharp. Brother-in-law tried to switch Applications between XP and Vista, and lost an entire series of Drivers. Brother-in-law, Son-in-law, and Computer illiterate self could not tell where or how the said Drivers disappeared into the ether. A Call--several Calls actually–were made to the manufacturer, before it was decided to send a Replacement for an obvious defective machine. Second machine arrived, and Brother-in-law attempted transference of Applications from XP to Vista. Drivers disappeared into the ether. Several more Calls to the Manufacturer, the result being refusal to send another machine which will not work, and a return of Payment. Son-in-law again searching the Internet for a satisfactory Computer, though the group Brothers-in-law are beginning to think it best to access a brick-store Vendor.

Standard Government interference can be witnessed here, a Process similar to the Vista experiment. Ethanol subsidies are no longer sufficient to make such Production competitive with alternate land uses. The switch of land production to Corn has brought real Price increases in alternative Food grains, and the American Consumer–joined with the rest of the World–suffers from a real 20% increase in Food Costs. The ethanol subsidies have not accomplished a great deal otherwise, perhaps propelling a potential 0.5% of all American vehicles for a month’s duration; the previous was a sincere Guess, but I do not imagine it could be that far off. I know the industry is building infrastructure, and has yet to take off, but where is the fuel source for the Take-off?

We now have Diary farmers screaming they need protection from those Milk Sellers who are so irreverent as to sell Milk labeled ‘Free of Artificial Growth Hormone’. The Farmers’ Association, Afact, feels victimized that Consumers are informed with potential loss of Sales for themselves; they committed to the real gain of an extra gallon of Milk per Cow per day. The Reader should feel sympathy for the poor farmers, though certain accessory elements should be assessed. The extra Nutrients must be added to the Cattle feed, if the quality of the Milk is to be maintained; reducing the value of the added Milk by approx. 60%. The Milk produced without Growth hormone actually cuts Milk Production by a Gallon of Milk per Cow per day; maybe cutting the supply of Milk to the Market by about 8% per Day, a situation which Consumers pay for every time they pick up a jug of Milk; something which might propel about 20% of the Retail price of Milk. I don’t look at Milk labels, only the Dates of Expiration, and now I am drinking Soy Milk anyway. It is obviously an area which must be Government-regulated. lgl

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