Saturday, August 09, 2008

As the Plant Whistle Blows

Bad Export numbers for Germany can only mean bad numbers for the United States. Japan also is expected to show bad Export numbers mid-Week. Germany is off 8.4% year over year, the real trouble coming from the other Euro-using countries. The Euro has been too stalwart in recent months, but gaining no help from the shaky Dollar, so there was no relief from American or Japanese competition. Britain is providing little aid to Anyone, internalizing their markets slightly within the past year. South Korea has made a major effort in China over the past few years, and will find uncoupling from this economy to be hard, if Chinese growth starts to subside. Both Africa and South America is trying to curtail Agricultural imports, but it is an effort leaving behind a damaged Exchange rate with the major Currencies; making high-Tech imports hard to pay for with stabilized funds. The Worldwide Web might be here, but We are still working on a sound international Market system.

We are paying the Same for Less, but how is this New? The article acts like this is a new ploy, but has been around since my childhood. I remember a Time when Hamburger consisted of Meat and Fat, though We have long become accustomed to Water and Bone Meal, even at times, Soy product. I simply wish they would also cut back on the size of the Cereal boxes, as they are hard to store; I am thinking of going to sealed Containers, now that Overflow is not as great a hazard. My Doctors all tell me I have to eat smaller Portions anyway, though this Smaller is Better attitude is galling when it comes to Fruit. I actually wish that Less is Better would arrive for Medical bills.

This scenario harks back to the first paragraph of the Post, where the EU countries seem to be sinking faster than the other global economies, though China, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil all share the problems of industrialized nations. It is nice to know that the American economy is holding up well against the other economies, though it might consist of being on the Bridge of a Sinking ship. I had better qualify that, as itinerant Readers will believe I suggest there will be a Recession. I do not! What gives the appearance of a Recession is the alteration of Profitable sectors of the economy, where Trade is on the downslope, and Native package Retail is on the Upswing. American labor does not think so, but We are getting a slightly better Price in Income than other lands, due to the hardening Dollar and curtailment of foreign Package Products. lgl

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