Saturday, August 02, 2008

The New Commons

What may be in bad Taste could be the fact that every Candidate We have for President has been a Party is the most Spendthrift Congress ever seen. Each has said ‘Aye’ to more corruptions of financial integrity than any Group before in History, Everyone claiming great value for the Country. The only Worth of the Tax Rebates consisted of ability to get reelected to Office, and all Projects simply paid-off Campaign Contributors. Every Candidate can be blackmailed by co-Conspirators in previous Crime by members of Congress. No Candidate can deny purveyors of insidious theft of Taxpayer dollars, because they previously also had their hand in the till. Some may call this Post Slander, yet I await any Campaign pledge from any Candidate promising to veto any and all bills which would put the Federal Budget in deficit. Libel or Slander can never be proven, unless the Budget is balanced within their Terms of Office.

The development of ‘the new Commons’ are just as corrosive as the old Commons. The ideology should be extended to the concepts of Social Security and health care. The Commons will always be over-grazed as long as Those who do not need are allowed to feed at the trough, as do Those who have Need. All Those who gain from this Practice will acclaim its rectitude, but it is exactly the reason for the destruction of the Commons. Social Security should only guarantee a minimum level of Income, and Medicare and Medicaid should only pay if the Recipients cannot afford to purchase Private Insurance. The Commons, in this Case, consists of Social Care of the Needy, and cannot be granted to Those not in Need, unless All face a loss of financial viability for the program.

Now that I have provided a Sermon which probably angered Everyone including my Readers, I will let All munch on a good Economist, who does not think the current GDP readings are anything to celebrate. I agree with him. The entire Scene fails to appeal to Me, and while I do not believe a major Recession will arrive, I think that there will be a slow deterioration of the American economy until the Federal Government achieves a balanced budget. I have listened to People describe the National Debt in terms of personal Consumer debt, but it is not; it must be ascribed to the a part of the Commons of earlier Note, and is being vastly over-grazed. lgl

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