Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Statistical Model

I laugh somewhat at this article in Slate, basically because I have hardly ever utilized Credit Cards in my Purchase pattern. I early on made the decision to spend the average 15% of Service charges in purchase of more Product; the spectacle of a Waiter standing over Me does bother, but it declines with the disappearance of the Waiter (try placing your Automatic on the table, instead of a Credit Card). I will now denounce my crude humor, in the interest of being Politically Correct (be sure to remove the Clip and eject any shell from the weapon–to avoid any Accident). Return to the original Argument will entail explanation there is a sincere boost to Consumption by Payment in Cash, though the range of Purchases starts at a lower Price level, and does not sustain itself in the higher-priced ranges. I have sometimes mentioned that People actually might start a new Savings cycle, if Consumers could be convinced to cut up their Credit Cards. What I don’t find is a Pundit statement that elimination of Credit Card Purchasing is a sound Green measure, where Consumers avoid unnecessary Consumption.

Mark Perry notes that Americans like their current lifestyle. It is especially true, except possibly Those who are in Mortgage default. Study of the overall Debt picture suggests that 16 Weeks of paying off their Credit Card debt would allow most Americans to go back to their old Consumption pattern–if they desired–without paying 15% Interest for the practice. It is doubtful that they would return to such carefree Buying, though, as it is harder to pull actual Coin from the Pocket (false representation: I use a Debit Card for 90% of my Purchases); it only being indicative that there are alternatives to Credit Cards.

I have a little difficulty with 54.7 billion remembered dreams per year in America, but this article should definitely be Read. We obviously cannot grasp atoms or galaxies by common Sight, but biology and Star-gazing tells Us they are there. The ideation may be a little positive (or authoritarian) but it reveals a real truth. Humanity does not really keep track of their activities, which they should do in order to understand themselves. The economically-minded should be forewarned that Numbers can be found to support anything, except outright disaster. lgl

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