Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Approach to Problems

Why do Economists and ordinary people think that Booms or Recessions can be manufactured? The real Variable in all circumstances of the Economy is unintended consequences. It is not just Public and Investor reaction to Government or Business policy, but also Individual decisions made in multitude. Economists account Economic Participants to be rational, though I possess many doubts about this Extreme. Can One be Rational confronted by a multiplex of inputs, without a definite outcome assigned to any one of them? The most I would define is that Economic Participants are highly reactant, quickly shifting their positions in response to Public activity defined by Markets. The later announce the nature of the Public activity, and is the reason that even Communist nations could not abandon the Market Concept totally. Anyway, Booms and Recessions are only major expressions of that Public activity, which is itself defined by that multitude of individual decisions. Booms and Recessions can only be directed when One can control that mass of decisions of Economic Participants, and the varying degree of Participation and Investiture of each Participant modifies his behavior negates compliant uniformity.

Simple combinations of current economic operations to obtain greater overall performance has always been one of my treasured goals. My next idea will make People laugh, until they potentially consider the Gain which might be attained by their use. This idea is to utilize Road Traffic to generate Electrical Power. It would require rolled out Mats containing Friction Generators, or Roller poles with End electrical generators designed like the Disc Brakes of automobiles. These Mats would only have to possess easy Plug connections to Power lines, and be laid out by truck drum. The Mats would present only minimal effect on fuel use of vehicles, and the same with the traction of the vehicle with proper Spacing integral to the Mat design. Proper construction of Road surface could allow for rapid and easy Spread of the Mats, and the variable utilization of the Mats could potentially handle the large variation of Electrical consumption during Peak periods, and thereby cancel the current necessary over-construction to meet Peak electrical demand. Do I sound like a Nutcase again? lgl

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