Monday, November 26, 2007

As the World Churns

Oh my, the use of ‘black propaganda’ when Santa is trying to determine who is being naughty and nice. The EAEPC claims that the EAASM (read the article to get some idea of the ridiculous names) uses maligning claims about Drugs to protect Sales of patented Drugs. It is just wrong to assert that the EAASM would use Scare tactics to protect about $20-80 billion per year of Profits likely to be lost by spread manufacture of Drugs, all of which accrues to a half-dozen companies. Children should play nice, and not accuse each other of Wrongdoing. Besides, there is probably about $2-4 billion of legal fees necessary to prove such an allegation.

Chris Dillow outlines the policy which probably will not work. Extended Education will cost more, pay less, and exceeds the intellectual attainments of a massive share of the Labor force. Workers do not want to spend their most-productive years training for a Position in short supply, and One which may even be eliminated before completion of the necessary study. The whole element reminds of the mid-1980s, when Waiters with Ph.D’s were common. I remember the Graduate Student in Art who gave up Painting and Stipend teaching of Undergraduates to become a Plumber, as it pays the Bills; even selling a few Pieces for some Thousands could not compete with feeding a wife and two kids. I must say that he is a very successful Plumber today.

George W. Bush keeps trying to play Santa Claus for the U.S. Military, but this glossary of military terms shows he may has some distance to go. I personally think that Asymmetrical Threats will defeat the current Military Concept. The definition of Mission as stated by ILSM will be equally self-defeating, especially the outsourcing of architectural design for $10 million PX buildings before the War even starts. Network centric is the capacity for national leadership to screw up an Area Commander’s job, as well as they do their own. The modern military’s greatest Victories come within the halls of Congress, supported by Special Interests as long as the Military can supply high-Profits Contracts. lgl

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