Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How We Organize for the Future

Here is a Story which holds more calamity than stated within the Words. The attempt of Market conditions to turn Trucking into a Minimum Wage profession will have long-term implications which most of the Business world cannot sustain. We were losing about a quarter-million Trained Drivers per year due to old Age Retirement before the Diesel Crisis. And now 45,000 additional Tractors have left the Road since January because Diesel Cost has destroyed the Profit margins. One can only expect a probable 80,000 additional Primary and Replacement Drivers have moved on to alternate Employment. The older, more highly-financed Independent Truckers are not regenerating their fleets, simply estimating their Capital is better spent on early Retirement, than only a Money-losing business enterprise. What worries me is the half-million, experienced Truckers in their early Fifties, who have decided not to buy a new Tractor again.

Alex Tabarrok believes that the current method of electing Presidents does not work, and People are led to Vote on the basis of whim. I beg to differ, thinking the Election process is the only manner in which the Electorate can voice their own desires, Candidates responding to any antagonism to their own vocalized Statements, thereby setting the limitations beyond which the Candidates dare not transgress. I do think that We do need a Game show called ‘Who wants to be President’. The Contestants will be any Private Citizens, who would be asked any range of political, economic, or diplomatic Questions which are Open-Ended (no Answer supplied), free Public voting between every three Contestants; the highest Adoption response to each of the five Question will advance to the next Rank. The following would be three Questions asked of five of the primary round Victors, the Winner would be designated as a Representative. Five Representatives would compete for a Senate seat, getting the highest average on the Answers of 10 Questions. The Final Round would be all Senators desirous to answer 25 Questions, the Winner he or she who attains the highest Approval Score, named as President.

The Rules for such a Game show are easy: every Question is to be Open-Ended–absolutely no Answer is provided, Contestants must win previous Winning approval to participate in following Rounds, and any entry of ‘No Comment’ is considered to be an Out–Zero Score but added in the Average of Questions. Contestants can advance as far as they desire, but lose their current Status under any failed attempt: such Status carrying the same Salary as would be provided to their equivalent Elected official for the Term of Office. The Game Show may prove a Success, or might fail; the Contestant answers may show higher performance than Our actual Elected officialdom, or worse hazards; and the American Electorate may decide to alter the Electoral Process based upon the success of a Game Show. It is a Thought! lgl

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