Sunday, May 04, 2008

One the Job Security

Why do We always find Kellogg, Brown, and Root behind every debacle of military supply in Iraq and Afghanistan? Simple malfeasance and professional ineptitude cannot explain flaws of performance which are endemic to Halliburton provision of military supplies. The current idiocy is a Case in Point: Domestic Electricians normally and sensibly ground their installations to protect themselves, as any opening of current will wipe them out instantly without Grounding, and Open electrical systems can possess unknown Connection Points. Failure to ground electrical systems could only occur where the entire Grid is assured Dead, and where there was no expectation of further Maintenance connected with the system. The real anger coming from the faulty performance in this construction follows from the knowledge that the only real Savings from curtailing Grounding of installations came only from labor hours non-expended, as Grounding equipment and wiring is not that expensive. Why did Electricians prostitute their professional standards for what was effectively Pennies?

Warren Buffet missed his Golden Departure Date in January, and now is missing his golden Profits from the glory years. The miniate aspect of the Profits report can be directly tied to the $40 billion Exposure to Derivatives, 94 in number if I read right; too few for that level of Investment, incredibly less than needed to spread Risk. Berkshire’s Moves have been ponderous in the Market of late years, getting in before Peak of course, but allowing Speculative price-driving before investment, and with ill-planned Exit strategies. Berkshire is beginning to express all the foibles shown by the Dollar against foreign Currencies, trying to exploit a Profits base which it had already telegraphed. Of course, Warren can always counterclaim that he has a lot more Money than I do!.

I still manage to make it though, basically with the help of my non-friends, a typical example expressed by this article. Certain tenets should be exercised in reading this Piece: central direction and control will bring 3x the Savings as individual, sporadic Choice; Rate-setting based upon the provision of individual Choice will eventually eliminate the desire for Individuality; and Meters which run backward to pay for generated Power by the Household propels the greatest Consumer investiture within the program. The concentration of PR should be on the Gains to be derived for Households, not the increased Profits for Utilities; even Teenagers can be enticed if Parents promise Utility Savings will be devoted to Allowance increases. Two Hits on Electricity bounding a lack of Electricity is enough for one Blog entry! lgl

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