Saturday, July 19, 2008

Empty Saturday

I have been surfing through the economic venues this afternoon, trying to pick a Lead for a Post today. It has been equivalent to the Softball Tournament which I attended this morning, all due to a Promise made to a Grand-Niece. Her Team lost, but not from a great defeat of Spirit on Our side, or to any wild enthusiasm on the part of the Opponents. All economic bloggers retain extreme anxiety over the confusion of directions indicated by the current Markets, a Condition identically expressed by the playing of all three Teams playing this morning, my Niece’s group losing on the second-round. Evaluation of these forces, under such diverse Impressionism, proves to be subtly boring throughout the matrix. Translated into English: I am bored out of my Gourd.

Everyone is talking about Fannie and Freddie, and sound a little Fruity. I would suggest to all Those hyperventilating about the Financials, should grow a Pair. Others wax Poetic about $130 a barrel Oil; please give me another $30/barrel Drop before the 64-Trombones. T. Boone is spending his own money, and Al Gore is planning on spending Everyone else’s Money, but why rage at Either. I can’t understand why Brad DeLong feels compelled to defend Greenspan’s Monetary policy; or why Tim Duy feels forced to respond. I expressed opposition–totally ineffectual–back in the Day when Greenspan was the law at the Fed. Who cares about Ancient History today, especially as all leadership willfully refuses to recognize the hemispheric duality of their current policy; Everyone committed to attainment of previous Short-term Gains, irrespective of Long-term performance. The Whole is a Demand of the children to break their Toys in like manner, after Daddy has bought them new ones.

Here is the Post which expresses the futility on modern Reportage in the Current. No one care about the Entrance Salaries (except the College Graduates themselves). Almost All need to know the Salary settings of Those with 5 Years of Experience in their profession, also the level of in-block Unemployment. Do We get these Numbers? In case you are unaware of the Answer, pursue the BLS. lgl

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