Friday, July 04, 2008

I am not really as Bitter as This sounds!

We even have a Name for it: Rovian Politics. Karl Rove may last longer than George W. Bush in the conduct of American affairs. That is if We can credit Paul Krugman’s commentary, which We can. Republicans managed to get two Democrats painted as unpatriotic, even though One had landed on enemy soil under Fire, and the other was a multiple Amputee resulting from enemy fire. Wesley Clark simply wanted to express that John McCain’s experience was about halfway between George W. Bush’s National Guard Service and about 70% of McCain’s Service Class at Annapolis; John may not have been the brightest brick in the Yard. Neither Candidate is particularly gifted for the extensive Job of bringing the nation’s Wars to an end. They at least seemed not to notice that the Incidence of Terrorist attacks is again on the rise, even though the Troop surge has not really ended on Schedule; something that a C-n-C should be required to notice.

Here resides another Oligarchy at work. Entrance into Ore production would require at minimum of a probable $1 billion, while entrance into Steel production would probably cost $10 billion. Ore production insists on Mine ownership or Mining Leases of huge Up-Front Cost, while Steel production generates huge Capital and Operational Costs with no actual Open outlet for finished Product. It is a Situation reminiscent of the military/industrial complex and the U.S. Military. Suppliers and Buyers are closer socially and economically to each other, than they are to Anyone else. It is always easier to find a Need for Prices increases, when eating in a 5-Star Restaurant with wives and friends; especially when the Suppliers are willing to pick up the Tab.

Bryan Caplan remains a main-force blogger, and should, but probably represents the Rovian Creed most among Economic bloggers. Defend your own position on ideological grounds, never letting the argument descend to technical questions, but always focus your offensive upon technical questions of Opponent practices. Justifying a freedom from Taxation because of a belief in Small Government appears sound, if One can expect any Politician will adopt a reduction of Government size. The only restraint from growing Government past the Political decision in favor of large Government consists of the Demand that Government pay for itself through heavy Taxation. Bryan cherishes the intellectual freedom of advocating Small Government, but would forestall any attempt to seize it; it would require him to put his Money where his mouth is! lgl

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