Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Background Briefings--Propaganda?

Washington Bureau Chiefs of all the News agencies are purportedly pressuring the White House to allow Sources to be cited. White House staff and Cabinet agencies have always utilized Background Briefings to bring Reporters and News agencies online about current events. They are not new, actually going back to the first President. What is the current dispute about?

The current Administration, White House and Cabinet, allows very little to be cited; they refuse to go on Record. They avoid Accountability by never making a quotable Statement in the first place. This stands as a somewhat normal condition among Politicians and Bureaucrats in Government; it is not something which would create marked furor. The difference about this Administration comes in the provision of Lies and Distortions in Background Briefings--for the purpose of Propaganda.

This affects Economists as well. Why is it Commerce Dept. monthly estimates always conform to ISM (Institute of Supply Management) modeling, but then are always revised upward? lgl

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